Monday, 7 November 2011

What Would You Tell A Brave Girl?

This is the question that is being asked over at the Brave Girls Club this month -

"What would you tell a Brave Girl who is dealing with depression
(either her own or someone else’s)?"

Pop on over the Brave Girls Club blog post and check out what other people are saying, the pop back here and answer this question in the comments below -

"What would YOU tell a girl (or guy) about depression?"

Photo source

Paula C. Whitehouse for A Scarlet Rope of Hope

1 comment:

  1. Amazingly it is survivable even when it feels like you don't want it to be. I wear the scars but I don't know where I would be without them. If you can, let yourself learn things you didn't know about yourself while you are in that dark place. I have been taught lessons that I didn't ever know I needed. Take the time to love yourself through this time because you will be your biggest cheer team and you are the one who has to live with the decisions that you make now. But remember you can get through this, and it doesn't mean it will disappear, you may like me just be better at fighting it next time.
