The Inspiration Behind "A Scarlet Rope of Hope"

"After sharing my depression story with a new friend, she asked me if I would meet with a friend of hers to encourage her. I was most enthusiastic thinking that God could use my ashes for beauty in another life and agreed to meet her. During our initial three-way emails, my friend said "Amazing, even strangers are friends because of the blood of Jesus".
It struck me how true this was and my mind went to the story of Rahab in the book of Joshua. Remembering that she was told by God's people to let down a scarlet rope to show that she wanted to be delivered from the destruction of Jericho. It was her faith (belief that she would be saved) that caused her to act on the directive given to her. The scarlet rope she let down connected her to God's people and she and her family were delivered from destruction.
When I met our mutual friend over coffee, she expressed feeling "so alone" which I know to be a common feeling in people struggling with depression. At that time I had a deep longing that there be a place where I could send someone who is battling depression to find encouragement and connect with others (God's people) who had won the battle or are continuing to fight and find victory over depression.
I expressed this idea to a friend "on the other side of the world" (I am in the USA and she is in Australia!) who was too busy to take on another project, but she sent the idea on to her friend Paula who has blessed me by taking on this mission. I pray that the Lord blesses Paula, and every one of His children fighting the fight to overcome and walk in victory because of "The Scarlet Rope Of Hope" given to us by Jesus to ensure our victory. He is our Mighty Deliverer! May you find help from His people and full freedom in Him!" ~Kathy Schwanke